Hello Folks..
So, as I said in previous post, we were having a hard time making days old infant fall asleep at night. But who knew that it was just a start and will continue for not weeks or months, but years to come. And after 3 years now, we are totally convinced that she was definitely born on a wrong time zone. Even today, at 3+ years of age, she normally sleeps late around 1 or 2 AM every day.
It is not like, we were not prepared for few sleepless nights. For an infant, it is a whole new world and natural to want warmth and protection she had when she was in womb. However, we still felt this phase will pass soon and she will adjust to a routine. And every passing night, we prayed and hoped she will sleep peacefully. She used to sleep with intervals every 2-3 hours. Until one night, 7th after her birth to be precise, she stayed awake – wide awake – the whole night, and cried the moment we put her on bed. Four adults could not help calm her down and make her sleep, it was exhaustive and tiring night. Around 6 AM, my and Megha’s mom, took a bed-sheet, folded it rectangular, and held 2 ends each to make a swing/cradle – and to our utter surprise – our little miss drama queen fell asleep in literally 10 seconds.
Can you believe? There is no difference in that makeshift swing from bed-sheet and a regular cradle that we have, but still, that made all the difference. And of course, it added to one more hullabaloo in our daily routine. Now whenever we had to make her sleep, 2 people have to hold the bed-sheet, our little one will sleep with all the attitude in the world and once she is asleep, we shift her to the cradle. Having done all this, it was still impossible to get one peaceful night’s sleep. She will stay awake, play almost all night and sleep nicely during day time.
A month passed with 24×7 high workload, low sleep mode. At one point we felt the time has literally stopped, and at the same time, we did not even realize how quickly the first month passed. It was time for her first air travel to Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar. And considering her sleep pattern, I made sure to book a late night/early morning flight, departing at 2:45 AM. As expected, our little miss traveler was awake, bubbly and happily playing throughout the flight. She even managed to impress and grab attention of surprised flight attendants / air-hostesses. And guess what they said when Megha was off boarding the flight – ‘She’s one of the rare infants we have seen in our service to stay awake throughout the flight at such odd hours. It looks like She’s born in different time zone.’
Was I surprised with their reaction?? You bet…!!!